“… the VLE of the future is going to be less like an information portal, and more like an aggregator. it's going to be more like an editing and publishing tool and less like a browser. It's going to break out of the browser window and sit on the desktop … It will be slick and minimal, and will actually be fun to use”. Scott Wilson of CETIS is off to a good start with his inaugural article the VLE of the Future from his new blog, or, as he calls it, his workblog. I agree with Scott wholeheartedly. My recent Auricle article Aggregator Inhibitions provided a brief overview of some of the new breed of aggregator services and related issues.
I suspect that the mainstream proprietary VLE vendors recognize this as well, e.g. witness the Blackboard and WebCT agreements with MERLOT and their use of RSS.
Of course, being ever the Eeyore:(, if I was a well financed corporate, or even just desperate to grow market share, I would be looking to buy up such aggregator services … either to kill or control them.
Anyway, let's welcome the Scott Wilson workblog and add its RSS/Atom feed to your aggregator … or is that your minimalist VLE?